createdbriefs Created Briefs: November 19, 2021 Is OpenSea worth $10 billion? Plus, Paradigm raises massive venture fund, Instagram gives out creator badges, and this YouTuber lands funding in exchange for 5% of earnings for next 30 years.
shownotes Created Briefs - September 10, 2021 This Week's Creator Economy News Report: More People Watch Videos on TikTok Than On YouTube According to app monitoring firm App Annie, the average time per U.S. user for TikTok is higher than on YouTube. However, YouTube is still the number one app for overall time spent
createdbriefs Created Briefs - August 27, 2021 Created Briefs is a weekly news show covering the creator economy. We stream live on Fridays at 8am PT. This Week's Creator Economy News OnlyFans Reverses Ban on Sexually-Explicit Content Days after saying it would ban porn on its platform, OnlyFans made an abrupt U-turn. The company accused